My business serves as a sacred initiation into the most embodied, liberated, authentic, abundant, most power version of self.

Countries i've visited

Today, I have evolved into a pioneer, focusing on guiding other women to start and grow their business so that they can live out their life’s purpose and manifest their next level wealth, legacy and leadership.

My goal with any container is for it to serve as a sacred initiation into the most embodied, liberated, authentic, abundant, most power version of self.

I’m ready, are you? 

Let’s go babe. Your destiny awaits.

My love for helping and guiding others and insatiable curiosity has shaped my identity. While others were satisfied with the “normal” life and traditional job, I have always had a burning desire, constantly seeking knowledge and pushing boundaries, forever dreaming about the “more” life has to offer. 

The fire in my soul and passion for healing collided with my spiritual awakening, paved the way for a career as a licensed therapist and heart-led entrepreneur. It all began with a healing my PTSD and spiritual awakening during my early 20s, which later led me to dive into sharing my medicine as a therapist, but most importantly guided me to start my business as a soul led, feminine entrepreneur. Now, my journey has brought me here—to Hi Marikka.


CLients I've worked with


cats that i have- 
shoyu, ponzu, mirin


years i've been with my Fiance.
(2 months engaged)



feminine leadership

What it means: serving from a state of personal fulfillment and alignment, prioritizing inner healing and self-leadership for growth. 

How it looks:. A joyful, passionate, and holistic approach to business, where well-being and ease serve as the foundation, and integrated knowledge takes precedence over pure logic.


ethics + sustainability

What it means: I do not tolerate or teach scarcity marketing,  hustle culture or shady business tactics in any of my containers

How it looks: I teach from my lived experience or from knowledge I've aquired. I teach you to build a business that is sustainable, simple and full of magic. 



What it means: I show you the real deal. The highs, lows, ins and outs. Ask me a question, I'll answer you honestly. 
How it looks: Being crystal clear about boundaries, having solid contracts and speaking my authentic truth. 


LEt's go

Are you ready to manifest a life wilder than your wildest dreams?